What Are The Signs Of A Fuel Pump That Has Seen Better Days?

Posted on: 18 May 2022


The fuel pump fitted to your car or truck is a hardy device that should last a long time given average use. Yet if your vehicle is getting a little long in the tooth or you tend to drive a lot each year, you may begin to notice signs of an issue. What could be going wrong, and what should you do if all is not well with this part?


The fuel pump is actually fitted inside the tank in many modern-day vehicles. As a result, it's hard to reach, and its work takes place out of sight, but this is thought to be the best place as the surrounding fluid can help to keep it cool.

Pressurised Work

Still, the fuel has to be pumped a long way from the tank which is usually fitted behind the rear wheels. It must also deliver the fuel consistently, as the common rail injector calls for highly pressurised petrol or diesel at the other end.

Drops Impression

Consequently, if the pump begins to falter, you will notice performance issues. The pressure levels will reduce and result in a loss of power, especially when you need to overtake or drive up a steep hill. The injectors fitted to the engine will not be able to spray the right amount of fuel into the combustion chamber, and this will certainly slow your progress.


A faulty fuel pump can also send too much fuel down the line. The internal regulator may not be performing as it should, leading to a surge rather than a deficit. You may arrive at a traffic light only to hear your engine racing and have to put even more pressure on the brake pedal. Obviously, this is potentially dangerous, but thankfully, it is relatively rare. Call your mechanic at the first signs of this issue.

Efficiency Drops

As the pump condition worsens, you will have to pay more for your fuel at the pump. Whether the engine is starved or experiencing a surge, you cannot expect the same efficiency level in this situation. 

Taking Action

Schedule a major service with your technician at the first signs of a problem. Tell them what you are experiencing, and they will remove the fuel pump from the tank to take a good look at it. If it can be serviced and put back, they'll do so or fit a new one in its place. 

For more information, turn to a car servicing company near you.