3 Common Mechanical Issues That Buses Tend to Face
Posted on: 15 May 2019
Buses are mostly used for commercial purposes in transporting people and cargo. As compared to commercial salon cars, they tend to travel longer distances and carry heavier weights. Due to their usage and extra strain placed on these automobiles, mechanical issues may arise that can adversely affect your operations, reducing your revenue. Therefore, it's of utmost importance to have your bus's parts checked regularly to make sure they're fit for usage at all times. Below are common mechanical issues that your bus or truck may face in the course of its operation.
1. Brake Issues. As compared to the hydraulic brake systems found in most cars, most commercial buses use air brake systems that are fitted with fail-safes. However, these brake systems may tend to fail due to various circumstances such as a faulty compressor inlet tube, a leakage on the braking system or a clogged air dryer cartridge. Considering the size and passenger capacity of buses, a failed braking system can be catastrophic. Therefore, it's important to take heed of warning signs such as a delayed reaction and unusual noises and quickly have your bus checked by a professional mechanic.
2. Engine Issues. Just like trucks, buses have very powerful engines. However, their size, capacity and usage don't make them immune to engine challenges such as overheating. In case of an engine problem, the check engine light will appear on the dashboard to warn you. Also, if you notice your temperature gauge is in the red zone, it's another sign that you need to get your engine fixed, as there may be a faulty radiator hose. Having your engine thoroughly checked during every service will reduce the chances of having random engine problems while in transit.
3. Tyre issues. In addition to covering long distances, buses carry a lot of weight, which greatly contributes to the rate at which the tyres wear. This makes them require frequent servicing as compared to other, smaller automobiles. Improper balancing, inflation, camber and toe alignment will also have adverse effects on the tyres. Therefore, you need to inspect your tyres weekly, if not daily. Gadgets such as inflation monitors will help you keep a closer eye on your tyres.
For greater efficiency and reliability, consider scheduling regular check-ups for your buses. In addition, never ignore any warning signs indicating a fault. Always contact a professional bus repair service for more information or assistance.